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The role of the Advisory Board is to make proposals and deliberate on the major strategic orientations of our agency.
It decides on our agency’s operational, administrative and financial organisational matters, as well as its budgetary and scientific watch activities.
It is composed of representatives of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Health and Prevention, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Inserm, CNRS, IRD, Institut Pasteur, CEA, INRAE, universities, university hospitals, patient organisations, NGOs, foreign institutions, and experts.
Isabelle Richard
First Vice-President of the University of Angers, France
Laurent Toulouse
(Representing the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs)
Didier Samuel
(Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Inserm)
Nathalie Arhel
(Representing the CNRS)
Bertrand Schwartz
(Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation)
Eric Delaporte
(Representing the IRD)
Christophe d’Enfert
(Institut Pasteur, Paris)
Roger Le Grand
(Representing the CEA)
Muriel Vayssier-Taussat
(Representing the INRAE)
Frédéric Fleury
(President of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University)
Florence Favrel-Feuillade
(Managing Director of Brest Regional University Hospital)
Frédéric Chaffraix
(Representing the patient organisation SOS Hépatites)
Vincent Leclercq
Didier Pittet
(Scientific expert, Geneva University Hospitals)
Awa Marie Coll Seck
(Minister of State to the President of the Republic of Senegal)
Stéphanie Nguengang Wakap
(Head of Research, Médecins du Monde)
Olivier Caillou
(Budgetary general controller)
Yazdan Yazdanpanah
(Director of ANRS MIE)
Jean-François Sicard
(General Secretary of ANRS MIE)
Thierry Menvielle
(Head of Financial Affairs of ANRS MIE)