TOPCHIB: preventing mother-to-child transmission of the hepatitis B virus


Published on 06 June 2024

En bref

Principal investigator
Cameroon : Jean-Pierre ADOUKARA/Dourwe MAAGA
France: Françoise LUNEL-FABIANI

Institution/Associated teams
Tokombéré private hospital (Cameroon)
Angers University hospital (France)
3. Institut Pasteur de Paris (France)
4. Centre Pasteur du Cameroun
5. SESSTIM de Marseille (France)

Study start date/Study end date
22 August 2023/Second half of 2026

Number of participants


Hepatitis B


TOPCHIB project

  • The ANRS 12417 TOPCHIB study is taking place in a rural region of Cameroon where hepatitis B is highly endemic.
  • It is evaluating the feasibility, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an antiviral treatment to be delivered to pregnant women with a high viral load or with a detectable hepatitis B virus e antigen (HBeAg) level in order to prevent mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in a real-life setting.
  • The study will be carried out in the Tokombéré district, where the prevalence of hepatitis B is around 20% and where antiviral treatment of pregnant women has long been in place to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, with complete success.



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