
Every year, ANRS MIE calls for projects or applications, either independently or jointly with other research players.

Last updated on 29 March 2024

Sources of funding

To support research into HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, each year ANRS | MIE calls for projects or applications, either independently or jointly with other research players, with the aim of funding:

  • research projects and research initiation contracts;
  • research infrastructure and equipment;
  • chairs;
  • support for young researchers: research grants for doctoral and post-doctoral students, master’s awards, mobility, young teams, thesis prizes, etc.
  • support for conferences and publications

Calls for projects are posted regularly on this website. They are open to all French research teams. Foreign teams associated with a French laboratory as part of a research project are eligible for some of these calls. Eligibility rules are specified for each of them.


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Current and future Calls for Proposals

Call for proposals
From 01 May 2024
to 31 August 2024
In progress

Call for proposals Conferences and publications 2024-3

Call for proposals
From 17 June 2024
to 17 September 2024
In progress

Generic call for proposal HIV/AIDS, STIs, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis (2025-1)

Call for proposals
From 31 July 2024
to 15 October 2024

Call for proposals ReCH-MIE 2024

Projects supported and winning candidates

Find out all the results of the Call for Proposals launched by the agency.


All the results