Long Covid Scientific Day - Understanding persistent symptoms and pointing the way for future research

ANRS Emerging Infectious Diseases (MIE), Santé Publique France and the Haute Autorité de santé are organizing a scientific day on Long Covid to be held on October 14, 2024 at PariSanté Campus, Paris. The day will provide an opportunity to take stock of scientific advances, address outstanding issues and define future research priorities for ANRS MIE and its partners.

14 October 2024

Presentation of the Long Covid scientific day

The challenge that Long Covid represents for the health of those affected, for public health and for healthcare professionals, has prompted ANRS Emerging Infectious Diseases (MIE), Santé Publique France and the Haute Autorité de santé to organize this scientific day to mobilize researchers, associations and institutions, and strengthen their collaboration.

Post-Covid Syndrome or Long Covid is a medical reality, confirmed by epidemiological studies. The burden of this disease can be intense, with a major impact on daily personal, social and professional life. Research has identified certain determinants of Long Covid, and various pathophysiological hypotheses are currently being explored.
However, these advances still fail to explain the multiple clinical pictures. Therapeutic proposals to date remain disappointing. Recent publications testify to scientific advances, but also underline the urgent need for further research. Some of the research and management questions raised by Long Covid are similar to those posed by other post-infectious syndromes, and could therefore benefit from a common approach. Working on Long Covid can help us to tackle existing, poorly understood problems, but can also prepare us to deal with the emergence of new infectious agents.
Faced with this challenge for the health of those affected, for public health and for healthcare professionals, ANRS Emerging Infectious Diseases, Santé Publique France and the Haute Autorité de santé are organizing this scientific day to mobilize researchers, associations and institutions, and to strengthen their collaboration.