ReCH-MIE 2024 call for proposals opens soon

Published on 25 July 2024


The call for proposals for hospital clinical research projects dedicated to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (ReCH-MIE) is scheduled once a year. The opening of the 2024 campaign is imminent.

The Covid-19 pandemic illustrated the need for France to be better prepared to deal with future health crises, and it was with this in mind that the Directorate General for Healthcare Provision (DGOS) launched the ReCH-MIE call for proposals.

The ANRS Emerging Infectious Diseases Unit is responsible for the scientific management of this recurrent programme, which has an annual budget of €10m.


The ReCH-MIE call for proposals covers research applied to healthcare and healthcare provision.

This call for proposals aims to develop research in the field of emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases, covering any infection whose incidence has increased over the previous 20 years.

This year, all emerging or re-emerging pathogens are covered, including multi-resistant bacteria and fungi.

The results of the Rech-MIE call for projects should lead directly to changes in patient care.

The winners of the 2023 call for projects have just been published.

Discover the 2023 winners

Calendar and practical informations

Selection will take place in 2 stages:

  • an initial phase for submitting letters of intent by 15 October 2024
  • a phase for the submission of complete applications corresponding to pre-selected projects only.

The opening date of the submission platform will be announced shortly.

For more information, visit the dedicated page of the call for proposals.

More about the ReCH-MIE 2024 call for projects