15 January - 30 April 2025
Last updated on 15 January 2025
This call for proposals supports conferences and publications in all of the agency’s thematic areas:
Applications for funding can now be submitted throughout the year, according to the following provisional timeline:
Please submit your application on the APOGEE platform
Submit a projectThe ANRS MIE supports the organisation of scientific conferences and events, as well as publishing books, across its entire scope in basic, translational or clinical research, in public health or in the humanities and social sciences. Proposals should focus on research and the communication of scientific data in the field of HIV-AIDS, viral hepatitis, STIs, tuberculosis and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.
Events and scientific conferences seeking support from ANRS MIE must be organised by individuals external to the agency.
Within the framework of the ‘Conferences and Publications‘ funding, ANRS MIE does not support publications in peer-reviewed journals, but supports the publication of books or booklets. However, exemptions may be granted for publications specialising in the critical analysis of research results.