Cohort ANRS CO6 Primo

Primary HIV-1 infection cohort

Last updated on 20 December 2024


  1. To explore the pathophysiological mechanisms of primary HIV-1 infection,
  2. To assess the impact of early and prolonged treatment on the long-term prognosis of patients treated from the time of primary infection, particularly in terms of activation/inflammation and reduction of viral reservoirs, and in comparison with uninfected subjects,
  3. To help document the epidemiology of HIV infection and the prevention of infection in the context of the spread of PrEP,
  4. Contribute to national recommendations for therapeutic management and evaluate their implementation,
  5. Use the observational data from the cohort to develop therapeutic trials in primary infection, continue long-term post-trial follow-up and prepare trials aimed at functional cure.


Adolescent, Adult


PBMC, Plasma, Whole blood, Serum

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