Last updated on 06 March 2025
The Coordinated Action ‘HIV Clinical Research’ (CA44) adopts a multidisciplinary, person-centred approach to focus on a wide range of HIV research in France and internationally.
This Coordinated Action promotes patient-centred scientific research with a focus on personalised medicine. Its founding principles combine:
The Coordinated Action helps to determine research priorities. It provides scientific facilitation and networking for researchers, and encourages the emergence of promising projects using a bottom-up or top-down approach. These projects will be submitted to national and international calls for proposals, including those of ANRS MIE.
It is structured into two workgroups to cover the current research priorities of people living with HIV:
Alain Makinson
Montpellier University Hospital
Maxime Hentzien
Reims University Hospital
Serge Éholié
Treichville University Hospital, Côte d’Ivoire
Clotilde Allavena (Nantes Hôtel Dieu University Hospital)
Roland Landman (Bichat Hospital)
Pierre Delobel (Toulouse University Hospital)
Chloé Duquesnay
(Administrative coordinator)
Manon Ollivier
(Project manager)
Diana Molino
(Project manager)
Marcia Trumeau
(Project manager)