Malaria Symposium

Organized by the Institut thématique immunologie, inflammation, infectiologie et microbiologie (I3M), the malaria symposium will be held on October 3-4 at PariSanté Campus, Paris, France.

From 03 to 04 October 2024


Following an opening address by Professor Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Director of ANRS Emerging Infectious Diseases, the first day Thursday, October 3 will be devoted to eight scientific presentations covering topics such as neuromalaria, animal models, vaccines, therapies and associated resistance, and transmission vectors. These presentations will be followed by discussions that will help structure the research community into working groups, to enable better coordination between different research teams working on similar themes.

Friday October 4 will be devoted to presentations on various sources of research funding and research facilitation structures.

The symposium is organized by the Institut thématique immunologie, inflammation, infectiologie et microbiologie (I3M).


To encourage interaction between researchers, face-to-face participation is preferred. However, in order to enable members who are geographically distant to take part, a link to a replay of the event will be shared with registrants a few days before the symposium.

As the number of places is limited, we invite you to register now.

The registration deadline is Monday, September 16, 2024.

To register for the malaria symposium, please complete the form below:


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Unitaid and ANRS MIE Forge Stronger Collaboration

A partnership to combat infectious diseases

19 April 2024