3rd Tuberculosis coordinated action plenary session

03 February 2025, online and at Espace Saint Martin, Paris

03 February 2025


The coordinated action (CA) on tuberculosis (TB) is organising its plenary session for the third year on 3 February 2025, bringing together its 3 working groups focusing on TB in the mother-child relationship (WG1), TB and immunodepression (WG2), and new therapeutic and vaccine strategies.

The day will be structured around the following three sessions:

  • one session will review the activities of the TB KT, the positioning of the KT in relation to the agreement with the WHO, the current call for joint projects with SAMRC, and prospects for future cooperation
  • a thematic session providing an overview of advances in research on the themes identified within the KT (by researchers supported by the ANRS MIE)
  • two parallel cross-disciplinary workshops to examine in greater depth the research questions relating to 2 major challenges:
    • Workshop 1 – Latent infection / sub-clinical TB: Screening, treatment, follow-up (and societal aspects).
    • Workshop 2 – Tuberculosis disease: Treatments, markers of response to treatments and adaptation of treatments to populations (societal aspects).

Scientific and organisational committee:

Olivier NEYROLLES, François-Xavier BLANC, Alain BAULARD, Guislaine CARCELAIN, Didier LAUREILLARD, Olivier MARCY, Maryline Bonnet, DE CASTRO Nathalie, Philippe Vande Perre

ANRS MIE: Basic Research Department

More about coordinated action


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