Launch of the Brain & Virus thematic network

The launch meeting of the Brain & Virus thematic network is scheduled for 15 October 2024 at PariSanté Campus, Paris.

15 October 2024

The essential

The aim of this meeting is to organise the thematic network around basic and translational/clinical research approaches focusing on neurovirology. The topic of the meeting is the long-term impact of viral infections on the nervous system.

Why a Brain & Virus network?

Recent research has made it a priority to study the potential link between viral infections, disturbances in brain function, neuroinflammation and/or neurodegeneration. The “Viruses and Brain” symposium in November 2023 concluded that setting up a network of basic and translational/clinical research focused on neurovirology was necessary. It was felt that a structure was needed to organise the scientific community in this field, which remains highly fragmented. In particular, it seemed crucial to hold consultations on the sharing and development of integrated models and to carry out targeted communication and sharing initiatives. This would also make it possible to reflect on the need to harmonise patient cohorts and develop interventional studies in the case of neuro-meningeal infections.

The dynamic created by communication within this network will be conducive to new collaborations and increased visibility for neurovirology. In addition, interaction with related disciplines such as neuroimmunology, cognitive neuroscience and functional imaging will strengthen the network’s links with the wider scientific community.



Registration is free but mandatory. The event is planned for in-person participation to encourage networking and to structure the emerging thematic network.

Financial support for young researchers

As part of the Brain & Virus thematic network, and to encourage the involvement of young researchers in the network, funding is available to cover the travel expenses of doctoral and post-doctoral students, so that they can attend the network’s launch meeting.

To apply for financial support, please send the information below to:

First name:
Last name:
Status: Doctoral student/Post-doctoral student
Research institution:
Name of research laboratory:
Name of laboratory/thesis supervisors:
Interest in the Brain & Virus thematic network (max 150 words):

Application deadline: 29 September 2024

Deadline for travel grant applications: 1 September 2024
