Last updated on 19 March 2025
The ANRS MIE has made the support of the next generation of scientists a strategic priority by mobilising resources and setting up specific actions to encourage their commitment and development in its areas of research. The Start Programme includes all the actions specifically dedicated to junior researchers.
As part of this, the call for applications « PhD grants » (Fellowships Funding Scheme 2025) aims to fund individual grants for candidates wishing to write a PhD thesis on emerging infectious diseases (EIDs).
The call for applications is open to PhD theses projects on emerging infectious diseases (EIDs). The emerging or re-emerging nature of the disease(s)/pathogen(s) studied must be justified in the applications.
Applications focusing on
All research disciplines and approaches are eligible under this call.
Applications proposing innovative approaches, including the modelling of epidemic dynamics, in order to gain a deeper understanding of complex mechanisms and improve strategies for the prevention and management of future epidemics, are particularly encouraged.
Applicants with PhD thesis projects on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STIs and tuberculosis are invited to apply to the ANRS MIE biannual generic call for projects by submitting an application for a research allowance (« allocation de recherche » – AR).
Applications must be submitted via the Apogée platform (‘Allocation de recherche Flash’ section). The application form available below must be completed and uploaded to the Apogée platform.
Applications must be written entirely in English (fields to be completed on the Apogée platform and documents to be uploaded – application file, CV, cover letter, letter of recommendation).
Submit your applications before 23 April 2025 at 23:59 (Paris time).
Submit your applications