15 january- 18 march 2025
Last updated on 15 January 2025
The ANRS MIE is launching the first session of its biannual call for generic projects. This call is for funding applications for projects, initiation contracts and research grants relating to :
This year, the ANRS MIE has included in its generic call for proposals research priorities targeting specific and evolving themes, with the aim of mobilising additional efforts to advance knowledge on these subjects considered to be of major importance.
These priorities target research in France and in the PRFIs on :
While the submission of research projects targeting these priorities is strongly encouraged, projects on other research topics within the scope of the call remain eligible.
The description of the research priorities for this call for projects is detailed in Annex 1 of the funding rules.
The call for proposals is open to all French research laboratories, whether public or private, contributing to the public service missions of higher education and research. The proposed research projects may be presented in the form of a partnership between several French or international research teams, but the team carrying out the research must be attached to a French research establishment.
Research grants for theses or post-doctorates are also eligible. These grants may be associated with research projects submitted to the call for proposals or may be independent. They may be non-nominative at the time the application is submitted. Applicants for these grants must be attached to a French research organisation.
The terms and conditions and selection criteria for projects, initiation contracts and research grants are detailed in the call for proposals regulations.