Research platforms

The agency supports a number of national and international research platforms in a variety of fields, covering the entire continuum of infectious disease research.

Last updated on 30 October 2024

In brief

These platforms are designed to provide scientific communities with access to specific technologies, equipment, devices, tools and expertise to answer scientific  and major societal challenges in healthcare, in particular the elimination of HIV/AIDS, sexually-transmitted infections, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis, as well as the prevention, detection and control of emerging infectious diseases.

This structuring work is in progress and will benefit from specific funding in the coming years, mindfull of the need to exploit the complementarity between infrastructures and to promote their agility (i.e., their capacity to adapt).

The platforms presented here are not part of an exhaustive inventory. They are major ones benefiting from direct support from ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases to conduct  high-quality research.