
Last updated on 08 October 2024

In brief

Arbo-France is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional French network for scientific watch, surveillance and research in the field of human and animal arboviruses.

Arbo-France was created in February 2019, under the aegis of the REACTing consortium, which subsequently merged with ANRS to become ANRS MIE in January 2021. It is a network for arbovirus research, whose objective is to facilitate preparedness and response to epidemics of human and animal arboviruses, in mainland France and its overseas territories.


  • Presentations and analyses of the epidemiological situation in mainland France and its overseas territories
  • Scientific facilitation
  • Help with setting up research projects
  • Expertise
  • Scientific watch


Director, Emerging Viruses Unit Aix-Marseille Univ-IRD -INSERM

Director, Arbovirus and Insect Vectors Unit Institut Pasteur Paris

Deputy Director, Animal Health Laboratory, Anses-Alfort, Director, UMR Anses-INRA-Enva Virologie (Maisons-Alfort)

Bernadette MURGUE
Arbo-France Scientific Coordinator, Researcher at the Emerging Viruses Unit


The Strategic Orientation Committee defines the outlines of the network’s scientific strategy and organisation, validates Steering Committee decisions, and liaises with the main institutional and public health partners in France, and with European and international research organisations.

The Steering Committee defines the main scientific priorities, discusses and implements Strategic Orientation Committee proposals, manages the establishment and follow-up of the workgroups, and liaises with the Expert Committee.

The Expert Committee is composed of over 200 experts from all arbovirology disciplines. These experts attend the meetings of the Scientific Facilitation Group and the Epidemiology Surveillance Group.

The Scientific Facilitation Group proposes talks and discussions on current scientific topics relating to arboviruses.

The Epidemiology Surveillance Group analyses data on the circulation of human and animal arboviruses in France (mainland and overseas territories) and worldwide, in collaboration with Santé Publique France and Anses.

To join the Expert Committee, please write to, specifying your first and last name, email address, institute/unit and expertise.


Arbo-France has four workgroups:

  • Response to Arbovirus Epidemics to define the measures to implement in response to different emergence scenarios.
  • WBE-Arbo to build a research programme in collaboration between the Arbo-France and I-Reivac networks. This programme will have two components: 1) Support with vaccination against the dengue virus in the French overseas territories. 2) A study of the real-world efficacy of the Qdenga vaccine in the French overseas territories.
  • Arbo Vaccine to build a feasibility study on evaluating the presence of arboviruses in wastewater as a tool for the epidemiological monitoring of dengue, in collaboration between the Arbo-France and Obépine networks.
  • Research and Innovation for the monitoring of zoonotic arboviruses
Arbo-France website