SHS Vaccination France network

Published on 22 May 2024

In brief

The Covid-19 pandemic has been an extraordinary catalyst for research in the Social and Human Sciences (SHS) on vaccine-related issues. Created as part of the ICOVAC-France project (Impact of Covid-19 on vaccination in France) and funded by the ANRS MIE, this network is open to all those interested in such research.


  • This network aims to encourage contacts, exchanges and collaborations.
  • It regularly provides information and news (calls for projects, job vacancies, conferences, recent publications, etc.) via a bimonthly newsletter (registration details below).
  • It also organises regular off-line scientific meetings (soon to be face-to-face).
  • The network also aims to put researchers working in France in touch with those working in other countries (via a page dedicated to ‘international friends of the SHS Vaccination France network’).


SHS Vaccination France

Join the SHS Vaccination France network

Membership of the SHS Vaccination France network is open to any person or group (team, project, network, etc.) conducting research in the Social and Human Sciences on vaccination (including health researchers interested in the behavioural and organisational aspects of vaccination) in the French context, regardless of the data and methods used.

To join the network, click on the link below and fill in the form.



Jeremy Ward
Paris Cité University, CNRS, Inserm, CERMES3

Patrick Peretti-Watel
UVE, AMU-IRD-Inserm, ORS Paca

Pierre Verger
UVE, AMU-IRD-Inserm, ORS Paca

Latest news

Organisation of the first distance learning seminar on 12 April 2024

The network organised its first seminar on the concept of vaccine hesitancy, with a presentation by Patrick Peretti-Watel entitled: What to do about vaccine hesitancy? A sociological perspective

Coined in the early 2010s by WHO experts, the concept of vaccine hesitancy has become almost unavoidable for researchers interested in vaccine attitudes. It’s probably no exaggeration to say that this concept has revolutionised the way we understand vaccine resistance in public health, but what contribution does it make to the social sciences? The aim here is to look back at this upheaval, but also to place vaccine hesitancy in the context of public policy, so as to better appreciate its scope and limits, before outlining avenues for further research.

The replay of the seminar is available online.