Published on 14 May 2024

Main points

For the first time, Sidaction is joining forces with Aidsfonds and open a call for proposal on the theme of HIV CURE.

This initiative, the fruit of an unprecedented collaboration between the two organizations, aims to mobilize researchers from France, the Netherlands and African countries around this crucial issue for global health.


The aim of this call for proposals is to fund research projects exploring mechanisms or strategies that will contribute to achieve a cure or a remission for HIV. The candidate projects may explore mechanisms to target the viral reservoir or enhance immune driven control, the development of new therapeutic concepts as well as all the social sciences around HIV cure or remission.

The call is open to projects including in silico, in vitro, pre-clinical, social, economic, or clinical research. Interdisciplinary and collaborative research is encouraged. Larger projects (>300k EUR) should be multidisciplinary (combining basic, translational, and/or social research) and ideally integrate multi-country collaborations.

Financing arrangements

The available budget for this Call for proposals is a total of €2,000,000.

Research projects could take place anywhere in the world but the researchers that performed the research should be based:

  • in France or Netherlands in public sector entities and non-profit organizations whose missions include supporting research, and/or
    in countries with limited resources in the African region, as defined by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (see list 2022-2023).

Research teams may be funded for a research project lasting a maximum of 36 months.


  • Submission of Letters of Intent: 16th June 2024
  • Evaluation of Letters of Intent: June 2024
  • Announcement of pre-selected projects: July 2024
  • Submission of full proposals: 26th September 2024
  • Selection of winning projects: November 2024
  • Announcement of winners: January 2025
Submit a project