ANRS MIE launches an ambitious program for the next generation of scientists

Published on 18 March 2024

The essential

The agency has made support for young researchers a strategic priority, and from 2024 is setting up an ambitious programme of funding and support to help them launch their careers.

An ambitious program for the next generation of scientists

The agency has always supported the next generation of scientists, in particular through research grants for doctoral and post-doctoral students in the framework of its various calls for projects. Today, the ANRS MIE aims to further enhance its efforts to improve the attractiveness of research careers, both in France and through its international collaborations. To achieve this, the agency is implementing an ambitious programme with dedicated resources, and is making support for young researchers a strategic priority.
The program has three objectives:
  • To ensure that the next generation of scientists interested in the agency’s themes benefit from the best possible conditions for their training.
  • Support and mentor young researchers to encourage them to pursue and develop new research within the scope of ANRS MIE.
  • Attract and connect young researchers with each other and with the scientific community so that they can integrate into the research ecosystem as effectively as possible

New program for the new generation of scientists in 2024

From 2024, the ANRS MIE launches the first actions of this programme, with recurring and evolving initiatives:

  1. A fellowship program aimed at funding individual scholarships for promising candidates working on specific themes. This first edition will particularly target PhD students with thesis projects on two targeted themes, as well as young researchers from the ANRS MIE’s international network seeking to pursue a master’s degree for subsequent doctoral research. Applications opened in April 2024.
  2. A call for projects dedicated to funding research projects led by junior principal investigators. Different types of projects will be eligible in this first edition: exploratory funding to obtain initial research results, more ambitious research projects, or longer-term establishment funding within a laboratory – to be launched in autumn 2024.
  3. Animation and support initiatives, n particular through the creation of a multi-thematic and multidisciplinary network of young researchers, which will complement the agency’s existing networks, AMYB and the Network of Young Researchers in Social Sciences on HIV/AIDS.


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