Generic call for proposal HIV/AIDS, STIs, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis (2024-2)

The closing date of the AAP is exceptionally extended to March 19 inclusive.

Last updated on 17 June 2024

Generic Call for proposals: HIV/AIDS, STIs, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis (2024-2)

Please note that this call only concerns funding applications for projects, initiation contracts and research grants related to:

  • All aspects of research into HIV-AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, viral hepatitis, and tuberculosis, including research into their co-infections;
  • Research into other infections or pathologies, provided they are useful for understanding HIV/AIDS, STIs, viral hepatitis and/or tuberculosis;
  • Researching the impact of other infections or diseases, in particular Covid-19, on the health of the population, treatment, screening or prevention of HIV/AIDS, STIs, viral hepatitis and/or tuberculosis.

To apply for “conference and publication” funding, go to the page ‘Call for projects’.

Please submit your application on the APOGEE platform:

I submit my project

Consult Funding rules (coming soon)

Frequently asked questions

What is the calendar for this call for projects?

Closing date: 19 March 2024
Evaluations: May-June 2024
Results: July 2024
The ANRS MIE generic calls for proposals have defined and recurring dates: 15 January – 15 March / 15 June – 15 September each year (excluding weekends).

Should the project application be written in English or French?

French is the recommended language, but both options are possible.

How do I submit a project or a research grant to the generic call for proposals on Apogée?

All applications must be completed online on the Apogée platform:

  • Log on to Apogée
  • If you do not yet have an account, request your login details using the link “I do not yet have a personal space and would like to create one”
  • Once you have logged in, use the form that corresponds to your application and which can be found in the left-hand menu (Generic PAA tab: Research project / Initiation contract or Research grant).
  • Fill in the required fields

Is there a minimum or maximum budget for this call for proposals?

No budget limit has been formally defined. The amounts for applicant projects may vary depending on the nature of the project. However, it is essential that any budget requested is duly justified and that it is in line with the proposed project.

Is it possible to fund a doctoral or post-doctoral student within the framework of the call for proposals?

Yes, it is possible. To fund a doctoral or post-doctoral student, a separate research grant application must be submitted, in addition to the “Research project” application, using the dedicated form in Apogée. Research grants may or may not be associated with a research project submitted to the same call for proposals. If they are associated with a research project, they may or may not be nominative. On the other hand, in the case of a RA that is independent of a project, it must be named.