ANRS MIE (Emerging Infectious Diseases) is an autonomous agency of Inserm that facilitates, evaluates, coordinates and funds research into HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. We prepare responses to the scientific challenges posed by emerging diseases and ensure their deployment in times of crisis.
Our research and missions
Strategic objectives, crisis preparedness and response, major priority programmes
Exceptional procedure for responding to emerging or re-emerging epidemics
Organisation chart & Scientific and financial/administrative policy
Governance, scientific evaluation
Consult the ANRS MIE annual activity report
Our agency funds, coordinates, evaluates and facilitates research into HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis and emerging infectious diseases.
Learn more about the diseases and pathogens covered by our research
Information on the projects we fund
Our workgroups bring together researchers and representatives of civil society
Open science,
The agency supports a number of research platforms and networks to federate and help shape research in its field
National and international research platforms supported by the agency and designed for the scientific community
Clinical research networks and networks of young researchers
Access to data and biological collections from research promoted by the agency
The agency is a member of various networks and forges partnerships with national and international associations, organisations and initiatives
Partner sites, international global health research platforms, ad hoc partnerships
WHO, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking, structuring networks
Strategic international projects and capacity-building programmes
Collaboration with community stakeholders
Each year, the agency offers two calls for generic projects and calls for thematic projects. Some are jointly carried out with other research players
Agency's current, forthcoming and completed calls for proposals
Find out the list of calls for projects previously funded by the agency
Find out the Start programme, here to support and guide the next generation of scientific researchers
Add my project
Find out successful aplications.
Last updated on 01 June 2024
AAP Exceptionnel
1 €
CARLES Michel | Service Infectiologie et Maladies Tropicales CARLES Michel Service Infectiologie et Maladies Tropicales CHU de Nice-Hôpital l'Archet 1 151 Rte Saint Antoine de Ginestière 06202 Nice FRANCE
GADEA Emilie
GADEA Emilie | Unité de Recherche Clinique et d'Innovation en Santé GADEA Emilie Unité de Recherche Clinique et d'Innovation en Santé Centre Hospitalier Emile Roux BP20352 12 bd du Dr Chantemesse 43012 Le Puy-en-Velay France
COGNE Mélanie
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PEIFFER SMADJA Nathan | SMIT / IAME PEIFFER SMADJA Nathan SMIT / IAME Hôpital Bichat 46 rue Henri Huchard 75018 PARIS FRANCE
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TOUSSIROT Eric | Centre d’Investigation Clinique INSERM CIC-1431 TOUSSIROT Eric Centre d’Investigation Clinique INSERM CIC-1431 CHU Besançon 2 place Saint Jacques 25000 BESANCON FRANCE
Smadja David
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CONSTANS Jean-Marc | service de neuroradiologie CONSTANS Jean-Marc service de neuroradiologie Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Amiens-Picardie 1 Rue du Professeur Christian Cabrol 80000 Amiens France
heming nicholas
HEMING Nicholas | Service de médecine intensive-Réanimation et service de médecine hyperbare Inserm U1173 infection et inflammation HEMING Nicholas Service de médecine intensive-Réanimation et service de médecine hyperbare Inserm U1173 infection et inflammation Hôpital Raymond Poincaré 104 Bd Raymond Poincaré 92380 GARCHES France