WHO - partnership on HIV, hepatitis, STIs and tuberculosis

Last updated on 06 February 2024

The essential

WHO and ANRS MIE have formalised a partnership through a memorandum of understanding to improve their scientific and technical cooperation on HIV, hepatitis and STIs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly in West and Central Africa.

This cooperation, initiated in June 2022 with the WHO’s Department of HIV, Hepatitis and STIs (WHO/HHS), then extended to tuberculosis in November 2023 with the Department of the Global Tuberculosis Programme (WHO/GTP), aims to facilitate dialogue between the research conducted in the LMICs and national and global public health policies on a number of pre-identified priority themes.

This cooperation is based around 3 specific objectives:

  1. Linking science and epidemiology, to improve the impact of research in LMICs;
  2. Generating scientific evidence to support WHO norms and standards development for the achievement of three global HIV, Hepatitis, and STIs strategies 2022-2030 as well as the End TB Strategy; and
  3. Identifying and addressing important issues in the response to the HIV, Hepatitis and STIs, and Tuberculosis public health threats through priority research programs.”


These two MoU between WHO/HHS, WHO/GTB and ANRS Emerging Infectious Diseases are part of the general framework for cooperation between France and WHO, signed on 31 December 2019 on the establishment of a strengthened partnership for the period 2020-2025.