A study of men who have sex with men who discover their HIV status in France
Last updated on 28 October 2024
The aim is to advise people diagnosed with HIV to identify their sexual partners and people with whom they have shared drug consumption equipment, notify them as soon as possible of their exposure to HIV and encourage them to get tested.
Notification provides an opportunity for partners diagnosed as HIV-positive to access care quickly, and for others to access personalised prevention.
Among men who have sex with men (MSM) who discover their HIV-positive status (known as index patients), to assess the effectiveness of assisted partner notification procedures and, more specifically, to compare the effectiveness of two interventions: the provision of a digital tool and the provision of the same tool accompanied by an interview with a specialist counsellor.
Index patients and their notified partners are not linked in the study.
NotiVIH is an interventional study for index patients and an observational study for notified partners. In both cases, online self-administered questionnaires will be used to collect the participants’ profiles, their experiences of notification and other information needed to assess the effectiveness of the tools in increasing the number of partners (i) informed of the risk of HIV infection, and (ii) having recourse to screening.
Inclusions for 12 months from September 2024
Coordinating investigator
Pr Jade Ghosn, AP-HP Hôpital Bichat Claude Bernard
AP-HP Hôpital Bichat Claude Bernard, Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Paris
IAME Inserm UMR1137, DeSCID team, Paris, Inserm SESSTIM UMR1252, santeRcom team, Marseille
From index patients
From notified partners
Reuse of study data
The personal data of participants and persons concerned by the study is processed to enable the questions asked in the study to be answered. This data processing is part of the public interest mission of the promoter, Inserm – ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases, which justifies the processing of specific categories of data for scientific research purposes. The data (see above) is collected via the online questionnaires by the service provider Epiconcept, a company governed by French law, on behalf of the data controller and then sent to the research teams for statistical analysis. In order to guarantee the confidentiality of the data, participants in this research are identified by an encrypted code. The data is thus pseudonymised. This means that no information that could identify the participants by name is directly associated with them.
There are no plans to transfer data to other national or international research teams.
Data retention
Identifying data (email address) is kept in the active database for 21 months and then deleted. Pseudonymised data is kept in the active database (for analysis) for 5 years, after which it is archived by Inserm for 15 years in accordance with current regulations on archiving in clinical research.
In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, as amended, and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), you have the right to access, the right to rectify the data collected from you, the right to object to the processing of your data, the right to restrict the processing (restriction of the use of data) and the right to have your data deleted. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the study at any time without giving any reason.
Please note, however, that in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to ensure compliance with Article L.1122-1-1 of the French Public Health Code, insofar as the deletion of data may make it impossible or seriously compromise the achievement of the objectives of the study, data collected prior to the withdrawal of your consent, the exercise of your right to deletion or the exercise of your right to object may not be deleted and may continue to be processed under conditions that guarantee their minimisation and confidentiality.
You may also access all your medical data directly or through a doctor of your choice, in accordance with the provisions of article L 1111-7 of the French Public Health Code. To exercise your rights, you should contact the investigator coordinating the study. If you have any difficulty in exercising your rights, you can contact Inserm’s Data Protection Delegation by e-mail (dpo@inserm.fr) or by post (Data Protection Delegate, 101 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris).
Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the French supervisory authority, the CNIL: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cnil-direct/question/adresser-une-reclamation-plainte-la-cnil-quelles-conditions-et-comment