Last updated on 16 January 2025
The 3rd France-Japan scientific symposium, organised at the Institut Pasteur in October 2024 by the ANRS Emerging infectious diseases coordinated action ‘Host-HIV interactions, basic and translational research’ (CA 41), highlighted the importance of international exchanges in research.
Supporting the next generation of scientists is a priority for the agency. In this video, you will discover the young researchers who gravitate around the ‘Host-HIV Interactions’ coordinated action and who embody this commitment.
These interviews offer an insight into their ambitions and visions for the future. Lisa Bertrand, Florian Dubois, Pierre Grégoire and Mitsukaze Watanabe spoke about their academic careers, the importance of international collaboration in their work and the challenges they face as young researchers. Their careers illustrate the diversity and interconnections of the global scientific landscape.
Whether they are exploring HIV escape mechanisms, the impact of environmental factors on the immune response, or neutralising antibodies against flaviviruses, they all share the same ambition: to push back the boundaries of knowledge to better understand and combat infectious diseases.
International exchanges emerge as an essential driver for accessing rare resources, sharing complementary expertise and opening up to new perspectives. But these young scientists also point to concrete challenges: the lack of stable funding, limited access to certain tools, and the need to strengthen institutional support for emerging careers. This video invites you to discover their careers and their aspirations.
The aim of the Start programme is to support and guide the next generation of scientific researchers in the agency’s research areas.
The network Start day will take place on Monday, March 31, 2025, at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.
April 1-2, 2025 at the Institut Pasteur Conference Center in Paris
The prizes are awarded jointly by the ANRS MIE and the Société française de virologie.
28-30 October 2024 at Institut Pasteur, Paris
The annual event of coordinated action 41 ‘Host-HIV interactions, basic and translational research’ will be held on 25 March 2025 at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.