The Respiratory Virus Coordinated action was created following the REACTing and ANRS MIE workgroups on COVID-19.
Last updated on 12 March 2024
The objective of the Coordinated Action is to lead the scientific community and support innovative research projects in the field of respiratory viruses, with the aim to submit them to the various Calls for Proposals.
Karine Lacombe
Sorbonne University, Inserm UMR-S1136, IPLESP Head of the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Hôpital St Antoine, Paris
Edouard Lhomme
MCU-PH Public Health, ISPED, Bordeaux Population Health (Inserm U1219), Bordeaux University Hospital
Chloé Duquesnay
(Administrative Coordinator for Scientific Bodies)
Manon Ollivier
(Project Manager)
Eric Rosenthal (Scientific Advisor)