Coordinated Action on Host-Virus Interactions: Basic and Translational HIV Research (CA41)

This Coordinated Action drives research into the mechanisms regulating HIV replication and persistence, the induction of effective immune responses and remission of infection through patient cohorts and animal models, with the aim of developing curative therapies.

Last updated on 17 January 2025

In brief


  • Ensure scienctific facilitation for basic and translational HIV research
  • Determine scientific priorities and needs
  • Discuss ANRS MIE priorities and unite the community around specific topics
  • Help set up new French and international collaborations and networks
  • Act as a bridge between basic and clinical research
  • Encourage interdisciplinary interaction
  • Support the preparation of calls for proposals in France and abroad and act as a lever for project funding
  • Support the careers of the younger generation


  • Scientific facilitation around priority topics, including the CA41 annual symposium and joint meetings with other Coordinated Actions (CA42, CA44)
  • Organisation of international sessions and symposia to increase research visibility
  • Encouragement of new collaborations and support of consortia around priority topics
  • Activities to support young researchers: organisation of annual symposia dedicated to their work (Work in Progress– WIP); Dominique Dormont Thesis Prize, in association with the French Virology Society (SFV); facilitation of a young researchers’ network (ANRS MIE Young Basic research community network – AMYB)

This Coordinated Action has over 300 members.


Michaela Müller-Trutwin
Pasteur Institute, Paris

Board members

Victor Appay (ImmunoConcept, Inserm, Bordeaux University)
Anne-Sophie Beignon (IMVA-HB/IDMIT, CEA, Inserm, Paris Saclay University, Fontenay-aux-Roses)
Florence Margottin-Goguet (Institut Cochin, Inserm)

Stéphane Emiliani (Institut Cochin, Inserm, CNRS)
Nathalie Alazard (secretary) (Institut Pasteur, Paris)

ANRS MIE coordination

Cécile Peltekian (Department of Basic Research)

Guia Carrara (Department of Basic Research)


  • Area 1: Regulation of infection and viral persistence
  • Area 2: Mechanisms and protection against infection-related comorbidities
  • Area 3: Optimal immune responses and immunotherapy development
  • CA44/41 WG – Immunotherapy Group (Pierre Delobel)
  • CA44/41 WG – Mother and child Group (Valériane Leroy and Florence Buseyne)

Our choice

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