3rd France - Japan symposium on HIV/AIDS & infectious diseases basic and translational research

28-30 October 2024 at Institut Pasteur, Paris

From 28 to 30 October 2024

The essential

The ANRS MIE Coordinated action “Host-HIV interactions, basic and translational research” (CA 41) is pleased to organize the “3rd France – Japan symposium on basic and translational research on HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases”.


About the symposium

France and Japan are at the forefront of research on infectious diseases and vaccine development. The objective of this symposium is to convene experts from France and Japan across a broad range of scientific disciplines within basic research on HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases, in order to present new findings, advance scientific knowledge and enhance global scientific collaborations.

Results from ongoing collaborative studies between France and Japan will be highlighted, and a particular effort will be given to involve young investigators interested in reinforcing existing or future potential collaborations between both country labs. Sessions will cover cross-sectional research topics including virology, structural biology, immune response, vaccine and immunotherapies concerning pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis viruses, respiratory viruses (SARS-CoV-2, influenza), HTLV- 1 and flaviviruses. The sysmposium will include presentations from 40 internationally acclaimed scientists and 10 young investigators from France and Japan, followed by one-to-one meetings to reinforce bilateral collaborations.

Call for abstracts for young researchers

We are inviting young investigators (PhD, post-doc) who are developing or interested in developing collaborative research projects with Japanese teams to participate and present (orally) their work or project during the meeting.

Candidates will be required to submit a scientific abstract and a motivation letter detailing their interest in developing bilateral France-Japan collaborations.

Submit your abstract

Key figures

Presentations by internationally renowned scientists
Young researchers from France and Japan

Programme and Registration

Programme and registration link coming soon.