Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are a public health priority. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is a concrete illustration of the impact of such diseases on health but also on economies and societies. In this context, the implementation of ambitious research projects is essential if we are to better understand, prevent and control the phenomena of emergence of infectious diseases.
Last updated on 10 October 2024
To address these challenges, France has launched a National acceleration strategy for ‘Emerging infectious diseases and nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical threats’ (MIE-MN) supported as part of France 2030.
The scientific foundation of the strategy consists of two complementary Priority Research Programmes and Equipment (PEPRs) which will be implemented in close collaboration over a 5-year period:
The objective is to better understand, prevent and control emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases by establishing interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and multi-institutional relationships and by taking into account the interdependence between the health of animals, humans and ecosystems.
In order to meet the objectives, ANRS MIE has developed a strategy to fund, facilitate and coordinate research according to the following 3 components:
The PEPR MIE must enable:
The PEPR MIE will make it possible to support upstream research projects, R&D (TRL 1 and 3), infrastructures, equipment purchasing, and Chairs.
Funding will be through annual competitive calls for proposals, calls for expressions of interest and calls for applications. These calls will address French public research team consortia. The research projects must respect the scope of the call for proposals, and the themes and pathogens targeted.
In total:
The first PEPR MIE call for proposals was open from 7 February to 24 April 2023. The Sector Scientific Committee for the 2023 PEPR MIE call for proposals is available here.
Following evaluation by an international panel of experts of the 37 eligible research projects, 11 were selected to receive a total of around €22 million in funding.
Discover the PEPR 2023 winners See the postersThe 2024 Call for Proposals is a continuation of the 2023 Call for Proposals. In order to take into account the evolution of French knowledge and research capacities and to further encourage interdisciplinarity, the priority themes within each component have been redefined, broadened or updated.
In addition, in order to concentrate research efforts and the resources made available under the 2024 call for croposals, the scope of the call has been narrowed down to three disease groups presenting a high risk of a health crisis in France: arboviruses, viral haemorrhagic fevers and respiratory viruses.
The 2024 call for projects has an indicative budget of €13m.