Announcement of the winners of the Fellowship Programme 2024

Last updated on 12 September 2024

The essential

Following the closure of the Fellowship Programme 2024, a call for projects created with the aim of supporting thesis grants and Master’s grants, 6 candidates will be supported by the ANRS Emerging infectious diseases at the start of 2024.

The Fellowship Programme 2024

The ‘Fellowship Programme 2024’ is the first action launched as part of the new ANRS MIE scheme specifically dedicated to young researchers. The aim of this call was to fund two types of fellowship:

  • Individual thesis grants, for promising scientists working on specific themes within the scope of the ANRS MIE
  • Master 2’s scholarships, for young researchers in the agency’s international network who wish to develop their research careers

To find out more about the call for projects and the priority themes, click here.

Below is the list of candidates who have won these grants and who will join the Start network (network of young ANRS MIE researchers).

The Fellowship programme – Thesis grants

As part of this first edition of the programme, five thesis grants were awarded, targeting the themes covered by two of the programme’s coordinating groups, the Coordinated Action on Modelling Infectious Diseases (AC 49) and the Arbo-France Network.

Supported projects

Winners in the Modelling of infectious diseases theme (2 grants awarded):

  • Quentin CHAUNG ‘Multi-level modelling of the interactions between HPV infections and the vaginal microbiota‘ (candidat désisté). Lab responsible:  ALIZON Samuel, CNRS UMR 5290 – IRD 224, MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France
  • Bastien BREBEL ‘A strategy based on AI and interactomics to bolster preparedness against emerging viruses‘ (funded candidate). Lab responsible: DEMERET Caroline, Interactomics, RNA and Immunity, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
  • David NAHMANI ‘Mathematical modeling and analysis of heterogeneities in arboviroses control techniques‘ (funded candidate). Lab responsible: VAUCHELET Nicolas, LAGA, Galilée Institute, Sorbonne Paris Nord University, Villetaneuse, France

Winners in the topic of emerging and re-emerging arboviruses:

  • Dominique VALTAIN ‘Multitrophic interactions in Wolbachia-based strategy against dengue virus: a focus on insect-specific viruses (MintS)‘ (funded candidate). Lab responsible: DUPONT-ROUZEYROL Myrielle, URE Dengue and Arboviroses, Pasteur Institute of New Caledonia
  • Djara KONATE ‘Avian and equine surveillance for two flaviviruses in Burkina Faso: Usutu virus and West Nile virus‘ (funded candidate). Lab responsible: SIMONIN Yannick, PCCEI (Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic and Emerging Infections), University of Montpellier/INSERM, Montpellier, France
  • Mohamed DJELLAKH ‘Structural snapshots of Chikungunya Replication Complexes‘ (candidate withdrawn). Lab responsible: REGUERA Juan, AFMB CNRS UMR 7257 (Architecture and Function of Biological Macromolecules), Marseille, France

The Fellowship Programme – International Network Master’s Scholarships

As part of this first edition, three master’s scholarships have been awarded to promising candidates supported by international network partners.

Supported projects

  • Heloisa FERREIRA PINTO SANTOS, supported by the ANRS MIE partner site in Brazil, to follow a Master 2 in Molecular and Cellular Biology (One Health-Emerging Infectious Diseases, France)
  • Diadji DIOP, supported by the ANRS MIE partner site in Senegal, to study for a Master 2 in Public Health Intervention Methodology (Université Paris Saclay, France)
  • Guindo Oumoul Nadine ETOUNDI MBALLA, supported by the Cameroon partner site, to follow a Master 2 in Public Health – Epidemiology, Clinical Research, Evaluation (Université de Lorraine, France) (candidate withdrawn)