Call for proposals 2024 for the Priority Research Programme and Equipment for Emerging Infectious Diseases

8 April 2024-10 June 2024

Last updated on 11 June 2024

Launch of the 2nd PEPR MIE call for proposals

The ANRS Emerging Infectious Diseases (ANRS MIE) is launching the second call for proposals of the Priority Research Programme and Equipment on Emerging Infectious Diseases (PEPR EID), Measure 2 of the National Strategy for Accelerating Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) and Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical (NRBC) Threats supported by France 2030.

The 2024 AAP is a continuation of the 2023 AAP and targets the PEPR research components as follows :

  • Component 1 – Accelerating the acquisition of knowledge on MIEs
  • Component 2 – Organising and developing new treatments, vaccines and other prevention, diagnostic and surveillance tools for EIM
  • Component 3 – Enabling public policies and society to cope with epidemic crises

The call is aimed at large-scale, interdisciplinary and multi-partner research projects lasting 2 to 3 years, with a minimum funding request of €1m for components 1 and 2. There is no minimum amount of funding for research projects submitted under component 3.

The AAP 2024 has an indicative budget of €13m.

A tighter scope

In order to concentrate research efforts and the resources made available under the 2024 Call for Proposals, the scope of the call for proposals has been narrowed, based on the list of priority pathogens drawn up earlier, to focus on three disease groups presenting a high risk of a health crisis in France:

  • arboviruses,
  • viral haemorrhagic fevers and
  • respiratory viruses.

The PEPR MIE 2024 AAP covers aspects that are complementary to those targeted by the PEPR Prezode WP3, for which an AAP is also being launched in 2024.

In pratice

All the information relating to this call for proposals can be found in the text of the call for proposals and the financial regulations below.

Applications for funding should be submitted on the APOGEE platform in the flash* call for proposal category. Applications for research grants are no longer submitted separately, but must be integrated into the project application as an annex, using the dedicated form that will be provided on the Apogée platform.

Timetable :

  • Opening: 08 April 2024
  • Closing: 10 June 2024 at 23:59 (Paris time)