The aim of the Start programme is to support and guide the next generation of scientific researchers in the agency's research areas.
Last updated on 04 December 2024
The Start programme is aimed at young researchers (PhD students, post-docs but not exclusively) working on infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, STIs, hepatitis, etc., with 3 objectives:
The Start programme focuses on three key areas:
This call for proposals is intended to fund individual thesis or post-doctoral fellowships for promising candidates working on the agency’s themes.
The programme also offers individual fellowships to young scientists working in the agency’s international network and wishing to obtain a Master’s degree before pursuing a career in research.
The thematic priorities and application procedures of the Fellowship programme will be adapted according to the editions and specified in the regulations.
Discover the 2024 editionThis annual call for projects targets different types of projects carried out by young scientists. These may be exploratory projects aimed at obtaining initial research results, or more comprehensive research projects, or even funding for longer-term establishment in a laboratory.
Coming in 2025
Each year, ANRS Emerging infectious diseases funds a scholarship of excellence, the ‘Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel Prize in Medicine’ scholarship, to enable French-speaking healthcare professionals or healthcare workers from sub-Saharan Africa or South-East Asia to attend the 2nd year of the ‘Public Health’ Masters course in ‘Global Health in the South – Global Health’ at Isped/University of Bordeaux, with the ultimate aim of carrying out research in their country on ANRS MIE themes.
Since 2023, this programme has been supplemented by an additional grant scheme designed to finance the ‘Methods and Practice in Epidemiology’ university diploma offered by Isped. This scheme is aimed at candidates who need to consolidate their pre-requisites in epidemiology and statistics in order to apply for a Masters in Public Health.
Coming in spring 2025
Other funding tools to support young researchers are currently being studied, particularly with a view to international collaboration between academia and industry. The design of these tools, which should be available from 2025, will be adapted according to the needs identified and the objectives pursued.
The Start network is a cross-disciplinary network aimed at young scientists supported by the Start programme or other agency funding tools, as well as all those interested in ANRS MIE themes. Its aim is to help them launch their careers. Through dedicated tools and events, it encourages exchanges and collaborations between different disciplines and themes, and helps young researchers to become fully integrated into the research ecosystem.
The network also relies on the mobilisation of young researchers, who are invited to share their ideas and needs to enrich and co-create the initiatives that will be put in place.
Contact usAs part of the Start programme, training activities are offered to network members to reinforce certain cross-disciplinary skills that are essential for launching their careers.
In the form of workshops and dedicated events, the activities on offer can cover a range of topics relating to calls for projects (writing a project proposal, writing a narrative CV, etc.), or cross-disciplinary scientific skills (communicating about your project, writing a scientific article, etc.).
The training courses on offer are designed to meet the needs expressed by network members and will continue to evolve.
The coordinated actions (CA) of the ANRS MIE also support young researchers working on their themes.
For example, the Société française de virologie (SFV) and the ANRS MIE have joined forces to award thesis prizes to young scientists whose research has left its mark on the field through its high quality, originality and innovative nature.
These prizes cover different areas of virology:
The existing scheme is likely to evolve and other actions may be considered.