The aim of the Start programme is to support and guide the next generation of scientific researchers in the agency's research areas.
Last updated on 26 March 2025
In 2024, the ANRS MIE launched the Start programme to support junior researchers (particularly Masters students, PhD students and post-doctoral fellows) working on the agency’s research topics (HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, STIs, emerging infectious diseases).
This support has been defined as a strategic priority (Objective 7 of the ANRS MIE 2023-2027 Strategic Framework and is based on three areas of support:
The Fellowships funding scheme aims to fund grants for junior scientists wishing to train for a career in research.
This call for applications is specifically aimed at junior scientists from LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries) and is intended to enable the successful candidates to follow a Master I, Master II or Specialised Master’s degree and to open up opportunities to pursue a career in research in close collaboration with the partners of the ANRS MIE International Network (partner sites and PRISME – Platforms for International Global Health Research).
Discover the 2025 editionThis call for applications is specifically aimed at junior scientists from LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries) and is intended to enable the successful candidates to follow a Master I, Master II or Specialised Master’s degree and to open up opportunities to pursue a career in research in close collaboration with the partners of the ANRS MIE International Network (partner sites and PRISME – Platforms for International Global Health Research).
Discover the 2025 editionEach year, the ANRS MIE funds an excellence scholarship, the ‘Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine’ scholarship, to enable French-speaking healthcare professionals from sub-Saharan Africa or South-East Asia to join the Master’s degree in ‘Global Health in the South – Global Health’ at Isped/University of Bordeaux, and to conduct research in their country on ANRS MIE research topics.
Since 2023, this programme has been supplemented by an ancillary grant designed to finance the ‘Methods and Practice in Epidemiology’ University Diploma (DU) offered by Isped. This grant is aimed at candidates wishing to consolidate their pre-requisites in epidemiology and statistics in order to apply for a Master’s degree.
Coming in spring 2025In 2025, the ANRS MIE will launch dedicated calls for projects and applications to help launch the careers of junior researchers.
Several types of projects may be supported: exploratory projects, aimed at obtaining initial research results, full research projects and junior research chairs.
Coming in 2025Organised prior to the annual ANRS MIE Scientific Days, the Start Day aims to bring together and unite the next generation of scientists around the agency’s research topics.
For junior researchers, this event is an opportunity for professional development, networking and exchanges between peers and with senior researchers, encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experience and the possibility of future collaborations.
Discover the Start Day 2025The Start network is a cross-disciplinary network aimed at junior scientists supported by the Start programme or other funding tools, as well as anyone interested in the ANRS MIE research topics.
Its aim is to help build a scientific community by encouraging exchanges and collaboration between different disciplines and research themes.
The network is based on the involvement of junior researchers, who are invited to share their ideas and needs to enrich and co-create the actions put in place.
Two thematic networks that complement the Start network also exist:
The coordinated actions (CA) of the ANRS MIE help to support junior researchers: in particular, the Société française de virologie (SFV) and the agency have joined forces to award PhD thesis prizes to junior scientists whose research work has left its mark on the field through its high quality, originality and innovative nature.
These prizes cover different areas of virology.
As part of the Start programme, training activities will be offered to network members to reinforce certain cross-disciplinary skills that are essential for launching their careers.
Taking the form of workshops and dedicated events, the activities will cover a range of cross-disciplinary scientific skills (communicating about your project, writing a scientific article, etc.) and funding research skills (writing a project proposal, writing a narrative CV, etc.).