The VESPA 3 survey

New national cross-sectional survey on the quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS in France - ANRS 0187s.

Last updated on 10 April 2024

In brief

Principal investigator/Leader
Bruno Spire

Institution/Associated teams
Inserm UMR 1252 SESSTIM

Inclusion begins in November 2023



Funded as part of
AAP 2022-1

The project

The aim of VESPA 3 is to measure the quality of life of people living with HIV who received care in mainland France in 2023 and to compare it with the previous VESPA 1 (2003) and VESPA 2 (2011) surveys. This is a cross-sectional, prospective, multicentre survey using a nationally representative random sample of the population with awareness of their HIV status and receiving follow-up in the hospital setting between 2023 and 2024. Socio-demographic, behavioural and health data are collected and processed using a standardised face-to-face computer assisted personal interview (CAPI). A medical questionnaire is used to describe the main characteristics of the HIV disease and any co-morbidities. VESPA 3 differs from its predecessors in its methodology, with the use of a qualitative approach to explore certain research questions in greater depth, such as life trajectories and social inequalities in healthcare.

Three thousand (3,000) patients living with HIV will be interviewed during their hospital consultation on the day of the survey.

VESPA 3 is conducted in collaboration with the TRT-5 CHV collective of patient organisations, which brings community viewpoints to the project and participated in developing the survey method and tools. It is also responsible for communicating the project to the populations concerned and the public authorities.

The survey website